Monkeypox virus
Pakistan is a developing country who's surviving in this
competitive world. They faced a lot of serious & major issues for many
years. World faced recently deadliest pandemic COVID - 19; Pakistan had faced
it too. The impact was very worst for this weak economic country. There is a
another big and most emerging issue in the world. This is also included in UN agendas.
But no one is focusing on this issue in even in whole world. This is Global
Warming. World has been faced Global warming impact in different countries but
didn't get lesson from this and participating to increase this issue through
different ways. Pakistan is one of the major Country who faced & facing
this issue from many years but this emerging more from some years. According to
IQAIR report, the cities of Pakistan, (Faisalabad, Lahore, Bahawalpur, Peshawar
& Sahiwal) are included most polluted cities of world. After all this
Pakistan faced more multiple small & huge disasters due to climate change.
The one of the worst disaster Pakistan are facing in a shape of deadly flood in
Aug 2022.
Pakistan is disasters prone country & they face it every year in a shape of flood, earthquake, or others. Climate change play major role in these disasters. Past few years Pakistan had faced multiple climate change issue. In 2021, multiple cities of Pakistan listed in most polluted cities in the world. Smog increased badly in environment that made cause of different diseases. In the start of 2022, there are very highlighted climate issue that Pakistan faced. In March 2022 Pakistan faced very hot days that was very unusual & not happened in previous years like this. The temperature of different cities is like 35°c to 45°c. That was unpredictable change. Jacobabad the city of Pakistan declares world’s most hot place in the in April 2021. The temperature was increasing day by day in different cities, that was not happened like these past years. 22 June known as most hot and long day of the year in Pakistan. But this in 2022 the temperature of different big cities was changed. It was coldest day in summer. Temperature was 16°c to 18°c in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore & other cities. Monsoon always impact badly to Pakistan, but in this year that was a most deadly monsoon, and made cause of worst destruction in Sindh, Punjab, and KPK. Many villages destroyed from the earth; 30 million people affected from flood. Many people died and many of lost their houses. One third Pakistan area is under water. UN secretary General said, today is Pakistan next can be your country, he talked about global warming and said that is an alarming situation to all of us. We should more work on climate issue; glaciers are melting rapidly. Unfortunately, Pakistan has most glaciers in the world. If they melt with more speed according to time that will impact worst in Pakistan. It’s time to work on that issue, plantation of trees should be more increase. Buildings will never save us but Tree.
کرونا وائرس
انسانوں میں ، وائرس غیر منسلک برونکیل اپکلا خلیوں کے لئے ایک مضبوط رُخیت رکھتا ہے ، اور یہ ان خلیوں میں فطری قوت مدافعت کے رد عمل کو مؤثر طریقے سے روکنے اور انٹرفائیرون (IFN) کی پیداوار کو روکنے کے لئے دکھایا گیا ہے۔ یہ رُخیت اس میں انفرادیت رکھتا ہے کہ زیادہ تر سانس کے وائرس جڑے ہوئے خلیوں کو نشانہ بناتے ہیں.
میرس کووی اور سارس کووی کے درمیان کلینیکل مماثلت کی وجہ سے ، تجویز کیا گیا تھا کہ وہ ایک ہی سیلولر رسیپٹر استعمال کرسکتے ہیں۔ exopeptidase ، انجیوٹینسن بدلنے والا ینجائم 2 (ACE2)۔ تاہم ، بعد میں یہ پتہ چلا کہ ACE2 کو ریکومبیننٹ اینٹی باڈیز کے ذریعہ غیر جانبدار کرنے سے میرس - CoV انفیکشن کی روک تھام نہیں ہوسکتا ہے۔ مزید تحقیق میں DIPPYTL پیپٹائڈاس 4 (DPP4؛ جسے CD26 بھی کہا جاتا ہے) کو MERS-CoV کے لئے ایک فعال سیلولر رسیپٹر کے طور پر شناخت کیا گیا ہے۔ ، انفیکشن کے لئے DPP4 کی خامرکی سرگرمی درکار نہیں ہے۔ جیسا کہ توقع کی جاسکتی ہے ، DPP4 کا امینو ایسڈ ترتیب پرجاتیوں میں انتہائی محفوظ ہے اور انسانی برونکائل اپکلا اور گردوں میں ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ ایسا لگتا ہے کہ بیٹ ڈی پی پی 4 جین کورونیوائرس انفیکشن کے ردعمل کے طور پر اعلی حد تک انکولی ارتقاء کا نشانہ بنتے ہیں ، لہذا لوگوں میں منتقل ہونے سے پہلے بیٹوں کی آبادی میں میرس - کووی کی طرف آنے والا نسب طویل عرصے تک گردش کرسکتا ہے۔
2019 کا ناول کورونا وائرس
(2019-nCoV) ایک وائرس ہے (خاص طور پر ، ایک کورونا وائرس) جس کی شناخت چین کے ووہان میں پہلی بار سانس کی بیماری کے پھیلنے کی وجہ کے طور پر ہوئی ہے۔ ابتدائی طور پر ، چین کے ووہان ، وبا میں پھیلنے والے بہت سے مریضوں کا مبینہ طور پر ایک بڑے سمندری غذا اور جانوروں کی منڈی سے کچھ رابطہ تھا ، جس سے جانوروں سے انسان تک پھیلنے کا مشورہ دیا گیا تھا۔ تاہم ، مبینہ طور پر مریضوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی تعداد میں جانوروں کی منڈیوں کا سامنا نہیں کرنا پڑا ہے ، جس سے یہ ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ انسان سے انسان میں پھیل رہا ہے۔ اس وقت ، یہ واضح نہیں ہے کہ لوگوں میں یہ وائرس کتنی آسانی سے یا پائیدار پھیل رہا ہے۔
کورونا وائرس وائرسوں کا ایک بہت بڑا کنبہ ہے جو جانوروں کی بہت سی مختلف اقسام میں عام ہے ، جن میں اونٹ ، مویشی ، بلیوں اور چمگادڑ شامل ہیں۔ شاذ و نادر ہی ، جانوروں کے کورونا وائرس لوگوں کو متاثر کرسکتے ہیں اور پھر ایسے لوگوں کے درمیان پھیل سکتے ہیں۔
اس وقت ، یہ واضح نہیں ہے کہ لوگوں میں یہ وائرس کتنی آسانی سے یا پائیدار پھیل رہا ہے۔ چینی عہدے داروں نے بتایا ہے کہ چین میں ہر فرد فرد فرد پھیل رہا ہے۔ ریاستہائے متحدہ میں ہر شخص تک پھیلے ہوئے شخص کا ابھی تک پتہ نہیں چل سکا ہے ، لیکن ممکن ہے کہ یہ کسی حد تک واقع ہو۔ صحت کی دیکھ بھال کی ترتیبات ، جیسے اسپتالوں میں بھی معاملات ہو سکتے ہیں۔
جب مرض اور سارس کے ساتھ فرد سے فرد پھیلتا ہے تو ، یہ سوچا جاتا ہے کہ بنیادی طور پر سانس کی بوندوں کے ذریعے ہوتا ہے جب متاثرہ شخص کھانسی یا چھینک آتا ہے ، جیسا کہ انفلوئنزا اور دیگر سانس کے روگجن پھیلتے ہیں۔ عام طور پر قریبی رابطوں کے مابین لوگوں کے مابین سارس اور ایم ای آرز کا پھیلاؤ ہوا ہے۔
یہ نوٹ کرنا ضروری ہے کہ وائرس انسان سے انسان میں کتنی آسانی سے پھیلتا ہے۔ کچھ وائرس انتہائی متعدی ہوتے ہیں (خسرہ کی طرح) ، جبکہ دوسرے وائرس بھی کم ہوتے ہیں۔ اس وائرس سے وابستہ خطرے کو بہتر طور پر سمجھنے کے لئے یہ جاننا ضروری ہے۔ جبکہ سی ڈی سی سمجھتا ہے کہ یہ عوامی صحت کا ایک بہت سنگین خطرہ ہے ۔
احتیاطی تدابیر :
اپنے ہاتھوں کو اکثر صابن اور پانی سے کم سے کم 20 سیکنڈ تک دھوئے۔ اگر صابن اور پانی میسر نہیں ہے تو ، الکحل پر مبنی ہینڈ سینیٹائزر استعمال کریں۔
دھوئے ہوئے ہاتھوں سے اپنی آنکھوں ، ناک اور منہ کو چھونے سے گریز کریں۔
بیمار لوگوں سے قریبی رابطے سے گریز کریں۔
جب آپ بیمار ہوں تو گھر میں ہی رہیں۔
اپنی کھانسی کو ڈھانپیں یا کسی ٹشو سے چھینک لیں ، پھر ٹشو کو کوڑے دان میں پھینک دیں۔
بار بار چھونے والی اشیاء اور سطحوں کو صاف اور جراثیم کش بنائیں۔
2019-nCoV انفیکشن کے لئے کوئی مخصوص اینٹی وائرس نہیں بنایا جا سکا ہے اس تحقیقاتی کام جاری ہے
Initially called novel coronavirus 2012 (2012-nCoV) or simply novel coronavirus (nCoV), it was first reported in 2012 after genome sequencing of a virus isolated from sputum samples from a person who fell ill in a 2012 outbreak of a new flu.
The first confirmed case was reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012.Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki isolated and identified a previously unknown coronavirus from the man's lungs.Dr. Zaki then posted his findings on 24 September 2012 on ProMED-mail.The isolated cells showed cytopathic effects (CPE), in the form of rounding and syncytia formation.
In humans, the virus has a strong tropism for nonciliated bronchial epithelial cells, and it has been shown to effectively evade the innate immune responses and antagonize interferon (IFN) production in these cells. This tropism is unique in that most respiratory viruses target ciliated cells.
Due to the clinical similarity between MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, it was proposed that they may use the same cellular receptor; the exopeptidase, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). However, it was later discovered that neutralization of ACE2 by recombinant antibodies does not prevent MERS-CoV infection.Further research identified dipeptyl peptidase 4 (DPP4; also known as CD26) as a functional cellular receptor for MERS-CoV.Unlike other known coronavirus receptors, the enzymatic activity of DPP4 is not required for infection. As would be expected, the amino acid sequence of DPP4 is highly conserved across species and is expressed in the human bronchial epithelium and kidneys. Bat DPP4 genes appear to have been subject to a high degree of adaptive evolution as a response to coronavirus infections, so the lineage leading to MERS-CoV may have circulated in bat populations for a long period of time before being transmitted to people.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. Early on, many of the patients in the outbreak in Wuhan, China reportedly had some link to a large seafood and animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread. However, a growing number of patients reportedly have not had exposure to animal markets, indicating person-to-person spread is occurring. At this time, it’s unclear how easily or sustainably this virus is spreading between people.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS and SARS. Early on, many of the patients in the outbreak of respiratory illness caused by 2019-nCov in Wuhan, China had some link to a large seafood and live animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread. However, a growing number of patients reportedly have not had exposure to animal markets, indicating person-to-person spread is occurring.
At this time, it’s unclear how easily or sustainably this virus is spreading between people. Chinese officials report that sustained person-to-person spread in the community is occurring in China. Person-to-person spread in the United States has not yet been detected, but it’s likely to occur to some extent. Cases in healthcare settings, like hospitals, may also occur.
When person-to-person spread has occurred with MERS and SARS, it is thought to have happened mainly via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens spread. Spread of SARS and MERS between people has generally occurred between close contacts.
It’s important to note that how easily a virus spreads person-to-person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so. It’s important to know this in order to better understand the risk associated with this virus. While CDC considers this is a very serious public health threat, based on current information, the immediate health risk from 2019-nCoV to the general American public is considered low at this time.
There is much more to learn about the transmissibility, severity, and other features associated with 2019-nCoV and investigations are ongoing.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
Prevention :
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Treatment :
There is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for 2019-nCoV infection. People infected with 2019-nCoV should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For severe cases, treatment should include care to support vital organ functions.
People who think they may have been exposed to 2019-nCoV should contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Challenger Deep Expedition
It was a historic
morning on January 3, 1960, when thousands of liters of gasoline filled at 08:
23, with Don Walsh and Jacques Packard riding aboard a huge submarine Trieste
that began a deep water voyage from the Mariana Trench in the Pacific. After a few
hundred feet, both of them began to see the sunlight dimming. The shadows began
to turn black. The submerged submarine with the pressure of water began to move
with a noise of the Challenger Deep. The size of the cabin in which they were
sitting was similar to the size of a large domestic refrigerator and their
temperature equal too. So they knew they had 9 hours to go. To date, 12 people
have stepped on the moon, thousands have climbed Mount Everest, but in the past
54 years, there have been only 3 people who have managed to reach the depths of
the ocean floor. The man named Packard made this astonishing success on January
23, 1960, and on 26 March 2012, 52 years after James Camron, director of the
Titanic film. Don Walsh and Jacques Packard: The human eye wished that they
could see that the depth of the ocean was as high as it could be tried and what
would be the view of the bottom of the ocean when it reached that depth.
Project Nekton "was a breakthrough to fulfill that desire. For which
28-year-old Lieutenant Don Walsh was selected. When Don Walsh saw the Trieste
in the city of Quan Diego, it was lying in various parts, such as the items
being dispersed after the explosion at a boiler factory. Firstly, he was
selected according to the plan to further enhance the security measures, so
37-year-old Jacques Packard was also selected as the Assistant Officer for the
campaign because he knew about Trieste. Wash said in his first meeting with
Packard that where he is a mariner, Packard said he was a sailor and later
began training for travel. Challenger at Deb level: 1000 feet, 2000 feet. Then
at 2400 feet Walsh and Packard sat in the small cabin Light the light so
as to try to get a clear view of the outdoors. At 13,000 feet, they entered the
Abyssal Zone (submarine or trench. According to Hindu deity Mala is the bottom
of 7 layers of earth. Where the Nags live). It was so dark that it felt like
time had stopped. At 31,000 feet, the sound of the Trieste hit the base and
began to echo. At 32,400 feet the 7-inch-thick, strong glass of the submarine
cracked with a loud sound. So the explosion shook everything. It seemed to
create a horrible situation. But in the next few minutes, it turned out that
everything was fine. They decided to continue their journey because destination
was near. They extended Trieste and
entered and entered to dark handle zone (deep ditch). Then at 35,800 feet,
Don Walsh made contact with ground level and reported that it was a Trieste. We
are at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. it is also known as going through the
black hole and no one has gone to such depth before them. The surface water was
looking beautiful and shining in the bright light of Trieste. Like a cup of
milk. Packard spotted a flatfish. They carefully positioned the ovarian pyramid
on the Challenger Deep floor. Then they both shared their success and snapped
photos of each other. In the meantime, clouds of sedimentary clouds began to
form, which were increasing rather than decreasing. Because of this, it was
difficult to see the outside world. Walsh and Packard decided in these
conditions to return to the top of the ocean before nightfall. He reached the
Challenger Deep level in 4 and a half hours. He stayed 20 minutes at a depth of
35,814 feet and returned to his place in 3 and a half hours. The most important
moments have passed. Success and fame have lost their footsteps.
Leukemia is one of the various life-threatening and fatal diseases that humanity has suffered in the 21st century. Leukemia is a component of malignant clonal hematopoietic stem cell dysfunction. It should be noted that white blood cells (WBCs) increase so much that red blood cells are very low in this disease.
The white blood cells call the calves that enter the jugular blood through the digestive tract after the digestion of the food, since the spleen massacrea and the gallbladder are the same organs, so the researchers used white blood from them. To be accepted.
Leukemia germs take effect quickly. Smokers and smokers often get the disease. People with weak immune systems fail to fight the germs of the disease. Those who work in the fields (X-rays, etc.) or those who work in the factory, especially those who work for benzene chemicals, may have leukemia. Now let's shed some light on this. People who see any of these signs should immediately contact a competent physician. Virus infection is one of the leading causes of leukemia, the most common virus type is retrovirus c type that causes leukocytosis in the body and it causes fever, anemia, bones and joints pain, toothache, pericardial flow. Along with destroying the body. Not hunger Weight loss fast. Dizziness, muscle aches Nausea, vomiting and vomiting. Differences in natural functioning of the intestines, constipation or diarrhea. Unnatural blood discharge. Very tired The infection may not be correct. Frequent fever.
Increased liver and spleen. Shortness of breath Anemia (anemia)
We now consider it appropriate to guide you to its treatment. In this disease the patient is subjected to red cells and platelets drips. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection. In this case, therapy is done if the patient's uric acid is OK. These therapies include biological therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and induction induction. In addition, bone marrow transplantation (bone marrow transfer plant) and stem cell transplant are also involved in the treatment.
Since leukemia is a cancer, it is also extremely deadly, in which the famous racer Roman Rhine suffered and had to leave Wisling.
Written by: Zaki Kiani

The iceberg of January 15, 2009 relates to an incident on a noon when a bird's flag collided with the engine of a US Airways flight 1549, leaving both aircraft engines dead. There were 155 passengers aboard the flight. The ship's captain, Silan Burger, was told he could make a landing at one of the nearest airports, but the captain considered the situation impossible, and decided to take the ship to the Hudson River in New York. Not only did the ship land on the icy waters of Hudson but there was no casualty in the process. All 155 passengers and all crew members were safely evacuated. The incident was hampered and the captain was highly praised. Captain Sullen Burger, "Sully," has gained the status of a public hero nationwide. The National Transport and Safety Board, however, orders an inquiry into the incident and its details to be more satisfied. They want to see if the decision to land in the river was really the last resort, or the pilot's mistake or misunderstanding caused the situation. Experts use aviation, computer data and flight simulation ... all the resources are used to determine this. The captain is asked a lot of questions ... it seems that the "hero" cannot be considered a disqualification. Investigations continue with great enthusiasm, after passing through a series of patience trials that eventually lead to a flight of 35 seconds, indicating that both the computer simulator's idyllic and stress-free environments are proposed. It was not possible to reach either of the airports. Then those investigations are terminated. The main purpose of the investigation was simply that not every landing on Hudson could be so fortunate ... Choosing the "safe" route instead of luck would have to be the right decision.
Zaki Kayani
ocean of knowledge
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لیو کیمیا leukaemia اکیسویں صدی میں انسانیت جن مختلف جان لیوا اور مہلک بیماریوں میں مبتلا ہے لیوکیمیا ان میں سے ایک ہے۔ لیوکیمیا ایک مہلک ...
عقاب eagle عقاب کی بہت سی اقسام ہے ضروری نہیں سب میں مماثلت ہو یہ امریکہ ، یورپ ، ایشیا میں پایا جاتا ہے 60 سے زائد اقسام پائی جاتی ہے ۔ ...
غازی علم دین شہید 3 دسمبر 1908ء کو پیدا ہوئے اور ابتدائی تعلیم قریبی مسجد سے حاصل کی اور پھر اپنے آبائی پیشےلکڑی کے کام میں کرنے لگے ۔ لاہو...